Sunday, August 28, 2005

churning water after it has gone through the turbines

these large pipes direct the water down to the turbines. Each section was something like 200 tons

this van in the picture shows the scale of the construction

at the top there is an observation deck...350ft to the bottom of the dam from there

a look at the top of the spillway

this shot shows the "spraycrete" that they shot onto the walls to keep rock from breaking off. this pic almost looks like it's of a minurature diarama

the dam looks small from this far away

There wasn't alot that I felt compelled to take pictures of at the museum. There were these two models of notorious train bridges though...

these models were amazing

I find these old steamers kind of majestic

my token artsy pic

at the shuttle stop

ranger shack at the top of Mt. Revelstoke

a field of paintbrush

the "Icebox" is a large crack, that has snow in it year 'round. A neat place to climb through

a pic of some scragg near the "Icebox"

heather was everywhere up there

a meadow at the top of Mt. Revelstoke

artsy pic of a piece of standing deadwood surrounded by some paintbrush and other flowers

a view of Revelstoke and west as we were heading back down

Sue yells to me, "Can you see the marmott? He looks like he's standing up."

a marmott coming to get a closer look at the intruder with the camera

a view north from the top of Mt. Revelstoke

a view west

some flowers by the parking lot